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Starter code for the Duke project

User Guide


List Tasks

List the tasks currently stored in the application.

Add Task

Adds a task into the application. A task can be of different types:

  1. Todo (Contains task description only)
  2. Deadline (Contains task description and deadline)
  3. Event (Contains task description and date of event)

Mark task as done

When a task is completed, the user can mark the task as done.
If the task is done, it is marked as [Done].
If the task is not done, it is marked as [Not Done].

Find Task

The user can input a keyword. The application searches the task descriptions
in the list and displays the tasks that contain the keyword.

Delete Task

Deletes a task from the application.


Exits the application.


Keyword - Describe action

Describe action and its outcome.

Example of usage:

keyword (optional arguments)

Expected outcome:


todo - Adds a todo task


Example of usage Expected outcome
todo Buy Present New task added:
[T][Not Done] Buy present
Now you have 1 tasks in the list.

deadline - Adds a deadline task


Example of usage Expected outcome
deadline Finish iP /by 2/3/2020 1200 New task added:
[D][Not Done] Finish iP (by: Mar 2 2020 12:00)
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.

event - Adds an event task


Example of usage Expected outcome
event John's birthday /at 22/3/2020 1300 New task added:
[E][Not Done] John's birthday (at: Mar 22 2020 01:00)
Now you have 3 tasks in the list.

list - Lists the tasks in the application

Format: list

Example of usage Expected outcome
list Here are your tasks:
1. [T][Not Done] Buy present
2. [D][Not Done] Finish iP (by: Mar 2 2020 12:00)
3. [E][Not Done] John's birthday (at: Mar 22 2020 01:00)

done - Marks a task as done

Format: done INDEX

Example of usage Expected outcome
done 1 Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[T][Done] Buy present

delete - Deletes a task from the list

Format: delete INDEX

Example of usage Expected outcome
delete 3 Noted. I've removed this task:
[E][Not Done] John's birthday (at: Mar 22 2020 01:00)
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.

find - Finds the tasks that contains the keyword in their description

Format: find INDEX

Example of usage Expected outcome
find ip Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1. [D][Not Done] Finish iP (by: Mar 2 2020 12:00)

bye - Exits the application

Format: bye

Example of usage Expected outcome
bye Bye. Hope to see you soon!